Curaçao Flag Monday, May 15th Netherland Antilles Flag

What the hell?   David wakes up with spots all over

The Breezes gang waits at the dock for the boat
for the morning dives

The Curaçao Star shows promptly at 830am

The Breezes group loads, then back to the main shop

Andy and Donna leave David on the pier

David will head to the nurse during today's dives

Four girls left off the list are not allowed to dive

Back to the main shop with only 4 divers onboard

They will shoehorn 20 more divers for a full boat

David misses his first dive in eleven dive trips

Dive 3 - Lost Anchor

Dive 4 - Sandy's Plateau

Three hours later, David knows he has chicken pox

Lather up with calamine lotion to slow the itch

This crap is all over me

The room is 24 tiles wide

Donna and Andy eat at Pastafari Italian Restaurant

Andy tries to make a new friend, Jacqueline

She tries the shrimp & fish dinner

Andy gives it a shot as well

Andy makes sure Jacqueline sees his St Croix hook
which indicates that he is available

Meanwhile, back in quarantine, David has the
medallions brought up by Donna
Go to Tuesday