Gymnastics Show-Offs - December 17th, 2013

Girls stretch before final day of 2013 gymnastics

Alex gets instructions on showing off for daddy

Alex starts with the vault, look over here daddy

She gets up a good head of steam

Bounces off the vault and flip through the air

Good job Alex, showing progress

Now try the vault with the downward inclined mat

Coach assists with the head placement and spin

Now in perfect position to complete the roll

Flip to your back and . . .

. . . bound back up to her feet

That was fun daddy, did you see me do that?

Now receive instructions for walking the high beam

Get daddy's attention

Climb onboard all by myself

And walk across the beam, keeping my balance

Walk with legs out straight, keeping my balance

Turn around, walk back, bringing up my knees

Success, I didn't fall off until I wanted to

Now hear instructions on the floor exercise

Get daddy's attention, I'm starting now!

Flip over backwards like a crab

Getting closer to a hand stand but still need practice

Cartwheel is getting higher

Ta Da!   Perfect day to break out the new leotard

Class moves over to the bars

Alex gets daddy's attention, I'm starting now

She pulls herself up without any help

Gets a little assist on the backward roll

And comes back up without any help

And completes the forward roll on her own

She spins around for the dismount

Alex's did really shined on the bars, her best event

Alex gets on the podium and receives a Show-off medal

Coach Sheyanne puts the medal around Alex's neck

Good job Alex, improving your gymnastics every day

Thanks Coach Sheyanne for instructing me!